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The specifications of stainless steel coils required by different industries and different application scenarios are different. From specific dimensions, specifications, special materials, and alloy requirements, to special surface treatment requirements, the performance of stainless steel coils is greatly different if one detail is different. Therefore, stainless steel coils should be tailored according to specific industry needs. GNEE Steel is a professional stainless steel supplier with several factories under its umbrella, providing high-quality stainless steel coils and other steel products, and providing personalized customization for each customer. If you have any needs in this regard, please feel free to contact us.

Decoding Stainless Steel Coils: 300 Series vs. 400 Series

Stainless steel might seem like a single entity, but it's more like a diverse family with two popular branches: the 300 Series and the 400 Series. Let's unravel the mystery in plain and simple terms to help you make the right choice.

300 Series Stainless Steel Coils: The Superheroes of Stainless Steel

Ingredients: The 300 Series, known as austenitic stainless steel, are the guardians of corrosion resistance. They're tough and can handle even the harshest environments. The key players here are 304 and 316.

  • 304 Stainless Steel: Think of it as the Iron Man suit of stainless steel. It's made up of 18% chromium and 8% nickel, which gives it an incredible resistance to corrosion. It's your go-to choice for kitchen appliances and food processing gear.

  • 316 Stainless Steel: Imagine this as the Avengers of stainless steel. It boasts 16-18% chromium, 10-14% nickel, and 2-3% molybdenum. This powerful combo makes it almost indestructible. You'll find it in marine equipment, medical instruments, and more.

400 Series Stainless Steel Coils: The Tough Cookies

Ingredients: The 400 Series belongs to martensitic stainless steel, known for its strength and durability. It's a bit like Batman – reliable and robust.

  • 430 Stainless Steel: Think of it as the loyal sidekick. With 16-18% chromium, it's corrosion-resistant enough for everyday items like cutlery and appliances. Bonus: it's magnetic!

  • 410 Stainless Steel: This one's your trusty bodyguard. It packs 11.5-13.5% chromium and offers good corrosion resistance. You'll spot it in things like fasteners and valves.

Corrosion Resistance: The 300 Series is like a shield against corrosion – it's superb at fighting rust and stains. The 400 Series does a decent job but isn't as resistant.

Strength and Hardness: The 300 Series is flexible and sturdy, like a superhero's suit. The 400 Series is strong and hard, ideal for heavy-duty tasks.

Magnetism: The 300 Series is generally non-magnetic unless you work some magic on it. The 400 Series loves magnets, so it's your pick if you need something magnetic.

Choosing Your Champion: If you need top-notch corrosion resistance and versatility, the 300 Series is your Avengers dream team. But if you're after strength, hardness, and don't mind a bit of magnetism, the 400 Series is your X-Men squad.

Remember, the right choice depends on your project's needs. Understanding these differences will help you pick the stainless steel coil that's perfect for your mission.



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GNEE Yetkili Kişi, Adres, Telefon Bilgileri

Yetkili Kişi: 1213
GNEE Adresi:No. 4-1114,Beichen Building,Beicang Town,Beichen District Tianjin,China
: 017538587065
Fax :
GSM : 453500
Url : https://www.gneestainsteel.com/

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