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Demirdöküm Atromix
Demirdöküm Atromix
istanbul içi kombi değişimi işlemlerinizde Eski kombiyi alıyoruz. Montaj ve igdaş onayı bize aittir.
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Porshce ofis koltuğu
Porshce ofis koltuğu
Porshce ofis koltuğu
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Real-time data recorder
Real-time data recorder
Real-time data recorder is used for sea, air and land transportation of temperature-sensitive items.
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Bluetooth temp humidity logger
Bluetooth temp humidity logger
Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger is used to monitor the temperature and humidity of the fruit storage environment.
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Bluetooth temperature recorder
Bluetooth temperature recorder
Bluetooth temperature recorder is used for temperature and humidity monitoring in data rooms, which can realize remote real-time temperature monitoring.
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Bluetooth temp rh data logger
Bluetooth temp rh data logger
Bluetooth temperature and humidity data logger can use Bluetooth technology to read and analyze environmental temperature and humidity data directly through an app.
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real-time temperature recorder
real-time temperature recorder
Real-time temperature recorder can realize remote real-time temperature viewing and analysis, optimize inventory management, adjust storage conditions, and improve overall operational efficiency.
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