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Rond Torchon Eponge Serviette, Round Kitchen Towels

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Rond Torchon Eponge Serviette, Round Kitchen Towels Kataloğu Hakkında

Ozra Textile Company Ltd, Turkey Rond Torchon Eponge Serviette, Round Kitchen Towels, Terry, Waffle, Pique Fabrics - Torchon de cuisine rond éponge brodé keukentheedoek, keukenhanddoek, gezichtsdoekje 100% Cotton Round Kitchen Towels & Beach Towels 70 cm , 50 cm, 100 cm, 150 cm diameter available All colors are available. With cotton binding Embroidered and personalized according to customer request Min qty 250 pcs Packaging: 1 pcs in 1 polybag or special packaging like PVC is also possbile for 500 pcs Labels: Customer Brand Label

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Rond Torchon Eponge Serviette, Round Kitchen Towels

Rond Torchon Eponge Serviette, Round Kitchen Towels<<< İNCELE
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