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Primary Jaw crusher 140

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Primary Jaw crusher 140 Kataloğu Hakkında

The SARIÇELİK's Primary Jaw Crushers are shapped to obtain a high productivity performance and intense production capacity. The Primary Jaw Crusher can produce with a high productivity minerals by the following needs: 0-50 / 0-90 / 0- 140 mm etc. This machine occurs in the first process of crushing in synchronization with the main hopper and the feeder linked to the main hopper. The machine can be used if the sand hardness of minerals does not exceed a hardness of 3.

Katalog Galerisi

SARIÇELİK MAKİNA San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Primary Jaw crusher 140

Primary Jaw crusher 140<<< İNCELE
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SARIÇELİK MAKİNA San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

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