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Peshtemal - Peştemal - Hammam Towel

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Peshtemal - Peştemal - Hammam Towel Kataloğu Hakkında

Specifications Peshtemal & Hammam Towel & Turkish Bath Towel With its Fine Texture; High Absorbtion of Water & Quick Drying Easy Care, Lightware, Versatile Eco-friendly. It consumes less cotton in production. Take less energy, water... Durable to frequent washing. No twist, wear and tear. Sand free on the beach. Unisex Multipurpose About Peshtemal, • Peshtemal is multipurpose thin towel. It can be used for whatever you need, whenever you need them. • The peshtemal is a practical alternative to the towel at home in your bathroom. • It is ideal for SPAs & massage facilities. Use it as a towel or wrap after shower or as a massage cover-up. • Peshtemal is a perfect choice for today’s active life style. Take it to gym, yoga class, pool, beach or use on your boat. They are perfect companion for all sport activities. • Peshtemal is a chic, original and multipurpose accessory for your holiday in the sun. It will serve as a towel, a chic wrap, a pareo / sarong over a swim suit on the beach or boat or at the pool. Use it as a protection from the sun. If you want to learn how to wrap your peshtemal in different styles, please convo me. • Perfect, lightweight choice for travelling, camping and backpacking. • Very practical for baby care. Use it after giving your baby a bath or while changing diapers or as a baby wrap. • Peshtemals will make excellent accessories for your home, use it as a throw, a table cloth or picnic blanket. • It’s a very special hand woven fabric ideal for craft projects, especially for home textile and clothing items. • Peshtemal will be a perfect gift for your loved ones. • Peshtemals can be utilized in many businesses; hotels, bed and breakfast businesses, leisure centres, SPAs, pools, GYM, sport/massage facilities. Your guests will like them.

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Peshtemal - Peştemal - Hammam Towel

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