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İpek Yolu Kataloğu Hakkında

Mission Statement IPEKYOLU strives to develop and maintain long lasting relationships with its clients by offering excellent customer service, on time deliveries and shorter lead times. We have always focused on customer satisfaction with uncompromising integrity. To meet our customers' expectations, we ensure that our sales people and customer service representatives generate enthusiasm and respond with extra efforts in addressing our customers' needs. Our people are trained to be open and honest with you. With our continued success and hard work, our vision has become reality! Integrity We bring to you the highest ethical standards. Always! Trust & Trust We hold strong values in business and fully trust and respect our customers, associates, manufacturers and community. Innovation: As we anticipate changes and alternative ideas, we help you to benefit from the many opportunities that continue to arise. We are innovative and informative regarding interesting new ideas in this industry and the explicit market needs in a responsive supply chain. Quality Quality is the primary determinant of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and it requires employees to continuously provide internal and external customers with the right product or service...done right...the first time. In today's increasingly competitive business environment, better quality translates into better value for our customers and, subsequently, better value for their customers-and this is the very essence of competitive differentiation.

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